The Perfect Raincoat

April 24, 2008 at 2:56 am (Our Favorite Things, What we're drinking) (, , , )

The Raincoat is a cocktail made with walnut liqueur, bourbon, almond syrup, and cinnamon. The recipe comes from Haus Alpenz, who imports the Nux Alpina Walnut Liqueur that we carry. They, in turn, credit Absinthe, a restaurant in San Francisco, for the creation of the drink.

I took home the Nux Alpina Walnut Liqueur over Christmas, and have since been toying around with the Raincoat recipe (FYI, the liqueur is also delicious on ice cream or in oatmeal). For some reason, the Alpenz web site gives no ingredient amounts for the recipe, but I think I’ve come up with the perfect proportions. Enjoy!

1 1/2 oz. bourbon (I used the Ancient Ancient Age, but the Pappy 10 year — either the 90 proof or 107 proof — would be excellent too.)

3/4 oz. Nux Alpina Walnut Liqueur

1 teaspoon almond syrup (I made a 1:1 simple syrup and let a cup or so of sliced almonds steep in it for a while.)

2 dashes Angostura bitters*

Stir all ingredients over a few ice cubes. Garnish with a cinnamon stick, if so desired.

* The addition of the Angostura bitters is my own (not a huge leap, as the recipe calls for being stirred on ice with cinnamon (I’m assuming they meant a cinnamon stick), and cinnamon is one of the major flavors in Angostura bitters. My friend P.G. thinks the cinnamon stick should be skipped altogether as it looks “too girly” splashing around in the drink. Do what you will.

Posted by Jane


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